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Date Who What
1987-88 SSPX Argentina Accusations of sexual misconduct by Fr. Urrutigoity in the wake of his departure from the seminary of the SSPX in La Reja, Argentina. Despite these accusations, Fr. Urrutigoity is accepted into the seminary of the SSPX in the USA.
May 1997 SSPX USA Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity, along with another priest and 2 seminarians are expelled from the seminary of the SSPX in the USA. Six other seminarians soon leave as well. We are told that the reason for the expulsion is that they were planning to found a new religious order.
1997 Diocese of Scranton The former priests and seminarians of the SSPX find refuge in the Diocese of Scranton PA, where the Fraternity of St. Peter has its North American HQ. Bishop Timlin of the Diocese of Scranton accepts them without doing background checks.
1998 Diocese of Scranton Accusations of sexual misconduct by Fr. Urrutigoity in the wake of his departure from the seminary of the SSPX in Winona, MN. After a diocesan inquiry is held, Bishop Timlin of the Diocese of Scranton decides that there is insufficient evidence, despite a letter of condemnation from Bishop Fellay of the SSPX.
1998 Institute of Christ the King Fr. Marshall Roberts is expelled from the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King because of accusations of sexual misconduct. He finds refuge in the SSJ.
March 1998 St. Gregory's Academy, FSSP The police are called in by Fr. Paul Carr of the FSSP (Fraternity of St. Peter) after it is discovered that the priests of the SSJ have served alcohol to minors (boys).
Aug-Oct 2001 Dr. Bond of St. Justin Martyr College Dr. Bond, HeadMaster of St. Justin Martyr College, which is affiliated with the SSJ, learns of the sexual misconduct of Fr. Urrutigoity. Dr. Bond then begins a series of discussions with Bishop Timlin, and with the SSJ. Bishop Timlin refuses to suspend any of the SSJ priests, despite evidence of wrongdoing. The SSJ refuses to admit there is a problem.
Oct 14, 2001 Dr. Bond of St. Justin Martyr College Dr. Bond decides that St. Justin Martyr College must separate from the SSJ.
Nov 19, 2001 Dr. Bond of St. Justin Martyr College Dr. Bond sends letters to Apostolic Nuncio for USA and to Cardinal Hoyos, Prefect for the Clergy, telling them about the sexual misconduct of Fr. Urrutigoity.
Nov 21, 2001 Fr. Urrutigoity Fr. Urrutigoity threatens Dr. Bond with libel.
Dec 8, 2001 Dr. Bond of St. Justin Martyr College Sexual misconduct by Fr. Eric Ensey becomes known. Dr. Bond issues a public notice to concerned Catholics.
Jan 12, 2002 Diocese of Scranton The Diocese of Scranton receives a letter of complaint from one of those molested by Fr. Urrutigoity.
Jan 15, 2002 Roman Catholic Faithful (organization) Press Release, asking for suspension of Fr. Urrutigoity and any other priests involved in sexual misconduct, for resignation of Bishop Timlin, for criminal investigation.
Jan 25, 2002 Diocese of Scranton Bishop Timlin transfers Frs. Urrutigoity and Ensey elsewhere in the Diocese of Scranton, but does not suspend them.
Jan 26, 2002 Times Leader (paper) News of the scandal hits the secular press.
Feb 6, 2002 Dr. Bond of St. Justin Martyr College Fr. Marshall Roberts becomes a third suspected sexual offender.
Feb 27, 2002 Scranton Times-Tribune (paper) The DA's office of Lackawanna County, PA, launches an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the SSJ.
Mar 20, 2002 National Review Online (paper) A former student of St. Gregory's Academy launches a $1 million lawsuit against the SSJ, FSSP and Diocese of Scranton.
Mar 28, 2002 St. Justin Martyr College Fr. Richard Munkelt, formerly with the SSJ, comes forward with further insights into the scandal.